Health insurance plans that want to grow and better service existing members face a significant challenge in North America, as more than 300 languages are spoken on the continent.
Already one in five members speaks a language other than English at home. In the coming years, nearly 90 percent of America’s population growth is expected to come via immigration. Within the next decade, the U.S. is anticipated to have more Spanish speakers than any other country. More than 10 million citizens are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, while another 5 million are blind or visually impaired.
LanguageLine has nearly 40 years of experience providing translation services to health insurance plans, including commercial and government plans. In fact, we work with 18 of the top 20 health insurance plans across North America.

Strengthening Compliance, Increasing Clarity
LanguageLine works closely with private health insurance plans and government plans, including all government-funded health plans such as Medicare, Medicaid, MLTC, FIDA, and CHIP. We help them address meaningful challenges, including:
Health insurance plans must be compliant with existing regulations like ACA Section 1557, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. They must also achieve CMS compliance.
Member Literacy
To ensure that members can process and understand plan information, materials should read at a fourth-to-sixth-grade level and conform with plain-language principles. Solutions like LanguageLine Clarity are ideal for health plans to address health-literacy levels with both English and non-English materials.
Unmatched Experience
LanguageLine has unrivaled experience working with health insurance plans, including 18 of North America’s 20 largest plans.
These relationships span 30 years in many cases, as we have become trusted partners and extensions of their internal teams.
LanguageLine provides industry-leading solutions for translation, localization, phone interpretation, video interpretation, onsite interpretation, and visually impaired services. Unlike our competitors, all of our competencies are in-house.
We work with 18 of the 20 largest healthcare plans in North America

Advanced Technology
Technology is an essential element of translation because it helps centralize, automate, and create a more efficient process.
LanguageLine’s technology tools are second to none, including an online Translation Portal (LingoNET) to centralize workflows and Translation Memory technology to reduce costs.
Unsurpassed Quality
LanguageLine embraces continuous process improvement, which is why we are both ISO 171000:2015-05 and ISO 9001:2015 certified.
We measure all aspects of our performance that impact customer experience, including customer satisfaction, translation accuracy, and on-time delivery. All are in excess of 99.9 percent.
We have proven processes, documented workflows, and comprehensive quality-assurance procedures in place to ensure that we deliver accurate and culturally appropriate translations each and every time.
Customer satisfaction, translation accuracy, and on-time delivery
Solutions for Every Translation Need
Enrollment Materials
- Explanation of Coverage (EOCs)
- Annual Notice of Change (ANOCs)
- Directories, Formularies
- Welcome Materials
- Brochures
- Websites
- SBCs
- Promotional Materials
Member Correspondence
- Grievances and appeals
- Utilization management
- Welcome Letters
- Explanation of Benefits (EOBs)
- Supporting Documentation
- Medical Records