LanguageLine is an Approved Supplier
LanguageLine is proud to be the leading provider of high-quality interpreting and translation services to the UK public sector. We are an approved supplier through a large number of public-sector framework contracts.
Public sector bodies may procure services from LanguageLine via a framework agreement and be confident that their supply is compliant with EU procurement regulations.
Detailed below are a handful of key framework agreements under which LanguageLine is an approved provider. To discuss procuring language services under any of these contracts, or for advice on the framework agreement that may be most suited to your organisation, please contact us through enquiries@languageline.co.uk or call 0800 169 2879.

Procurement Services
Procurement Services is a trading function of the Commercial Services Group, a Professional Buying Organisation (PBO) and one of the largest trading organisations of its kind in Europe with a turnover in excess of £500 million. Tracing its roots back to 1902, as the supplies division of Kent County Council, the Commercial Services Group has grown organically to become one of the leading suppliers of products and services to the education and public sector, serving over 10,000 customers in 80+ countries. These include local government, education establishments, the care sector and the emergency services.

Established in 2005 as a unique joint venture between Steria and the Department of Health, NHS SBS is the UK’s leading provider of business services. Using a shared services business model, NHS SBS has achieved economies of scale and has demonstrated both innovation and best practice and are on target to deliver around £224 million savings over 10 years.

Crown Commercial Service
Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2019/20, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits worth over £1bn - supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.


NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
Working together to deliver value to the NHS.
NHS Procurement in Partnership (NHS PiP) is the collaboration between four NHS procurement hubs; NHS Commercial Solutions, East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub, NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) and NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative (NOE CPC).
Collaboration is at the core of each organisation and our goal is to combine our expertise and resources to avoid duplication in the market and deliver the best value to our NHS colleagues. As a part of the NHS ourselves, we understand the pressures being faced by all departments. Our team have combined decades of experience across the procurement landscape, and we can work with you to find the best solution for your organisation.

Healthtrust Europe
HealthTrust Europe is committed to strengthening provider performance and clinical excellence through an aligned membership model and the delivery of total cost management solutions, including supply chain solutions and a contract and service portfolio unparalleled in quality, scope and value.
As part of a leading international healthcare organisation, HealthTrust Europe is underpinned by world-leading expertise and best practice; aligned to support its members to achieve consistently superior quality, safety, service and best pricing that is needed to deliver enhanced patient care and financial sustainability.