Links to Test a Client’s SIP Connectivity


Demo Video: Zoom SIP Test

User experience guidelines for AEs to discuss with clients

  • Analyze your clients’ most frequently used languages.
  • Address books render alphabetically. You can change the order by using numbers, but overuse can get very confusing.
  • The address book creator will generate a CSV file that creates a subgroup for LanguageLine within a client’s general address book by starting each entry with the word “LanguageLine” and ending it with “Interpreter.” End users can use the search terms “Interpreter” or “LanguageLine” to navigate to the LanguageLine subgroup. They can also search by language.
  • Consider the number of languages and the modalities your client wants listed in connection with audio languages they can access via the “All Audio – Say the Language” feature to optimize speed, while remaining compliant.