100%Fortune 100 telecommunications companies are our clients
100%Fortune 100 insurance companies that partner with us
100%Fortune 100 airline companies that are our clients
Connect to Interpreters in Seconds
Support Your Most Important Business Activities and Opportunities
In-Person Interpretation for Total Understanding
Deliver an Inclusive and Accessible Experience for All Your Customers
Serve Your Inbound Callers in the Language They Prefer
Improve your customer service experience for inbound callers. LanguageLine® DirectResponseSM provides an in-language greeting for callers and adds an interpreter who connects to your agent, ready to assist. Integrated into your current IVR, it’s an ideal solution to boost engagement, reduce hangups, and increase staff productivity.

Increase Translation Quality and Reduce Costs in 580+ Language Combinations

Translation Services

Localization Services

Website Translation

Integrated Translation Tools

Machine Translation

LanguageLine bends over backward to take care of us. They are always extremely conscientious and interested in providing service that will make us look like rock stars to our clients. You know, it just becomes a no-brainer. Every division of eLearning Brothers uses LanguageLine to provide all our translation needs. "
— VP of Customer Success,

It’s more expensive to lose a client because of a language barrier or misunderstanding. It’s far less expensive to have a partner like LanguageLine to help the client understand what he’s signing and the product he’s buying. I can’t put a dollar value on a service like this because it’s doing the right thing, and that’s what we do. "
— Senior Multicultural Campaign Manager, Rocket Mortgage

LanguageLine’s technology has made the country a whole lot smaller. RBC’s brand is very focused on advice, and communication and advice go hand in hand. "
— Regional VP, Royal Bank of Canada