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LanguageLine Solutions Honoured with Frost & Sullivan's Best Practices Award for Technical Innovation Leadership

Written by Scott Brown | August 5, 2024

LanguageLine Solutions, the world's leading provider of language access, is proud to announce that it has been recognised by Frost & Sullivan with the 2024 Technology Innovation Leadership Award. This prestigious accolade acknowledges the revolutionary impact of LanguageLine's Global Content Solutions on the language services and translation industry.

In announcing the award, Frost & Sullivan highlighted that LanguageLine Global Content Solutions has set a new standard in the industry by integrating real-time transformation of written-word solutions directly into clients' workflows. This innovation significantly enhances global communication and operational efficiency for businesses operating in an increasingly interconnected world.

LanguageLine’s latest innovations go beyond traditional translation by developing, designing, implementing, and managing comprehensive multilingual content programmes. These programmes are seamlessly embedded within clients’ content management platforms, combining human expertise with advanced AI technologies such as machine translation and Large Language Models (LLMs) equipped with Natural Language Processing (NLP).

“By leveraging LanguageLine’s advanced solutions, organisations enhance customer relations, ensure compliance with legal standards, and expand their market reach,” Michael DeSalles, principal analyst at Frost & Sullivan, said. “We congratulate LanguageLine for this outstanding achievement and are proud to recognise its leadership in technical innovation within the language access industry.”

LanguageLine President and CEO Scott W. Klein added that Global Content Solutions was created to address an urgent need for multilingual content.

“As global markets expand, the demand for high-quality, cost-effective multilingual content is at an all-time high,” Klein said. “Global Content Solutions empowers organisations to treat language as a strategic asset. We enable them to deliver seamless communication in multiple languages, bolstering their global competitiveness.”

Human Expertise and Advanced AI Integration

By addressing the complex needs of tech-savvy organisations that manage various translation workflows, LanguageLine Global Content Solutions ensures that its clients benefit from centralised, automated translation solutions that blend human and machine capabilities for optimal results.

Central to LanguageLine's success is the Mercury Tech Stack, a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline multilingual content management.

Key components include the LanguageLine Portal for secure project management, LanguageLine Connect for automatic content retrieval and integration, LanguageLine Website Proxy for real-time website localisation, and Machine Translation for rapid and accurate translation supported by expert linguistic editing and advanced quality evaluation.

While machines provide rapid processing and cost-effectiveness, human expertise remains essential. LanguageLine’s human technologists, solutions architects, and expert linguists ensure that the multilingual programmes meet clients' expectations for speed, quality, and cost.

About LanguageLine Solutions

LanguageLine has been the world’s foremost provider of language access solutions since 1982. The company offers industry-leading phone, video remote, and onsite interpreting, as well as translation, localisation, and testing and training for bilingual staff and interpreters. With a team of over 40,000 professional linguists, LanguageLine is committed to enabling communication and promoting understanding across languages and cultures, 365 days a year. As it spearheads the digital transformation of language access, LanguageLine is the preferred provider to the Fortune 100, North America’s top hospital systems, as well as federal, state, and local agencies in English-speaking countries around the world.

About Frost & Sullivan

For six decades, Frost & Sullivan has been renowned for helping investors, corporate leaders, and governments navigate economic changes and identify disruptive technologies, Mega Trends, new business models, and companies to action, resulting in continuous growth opportunities.

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