Save Time and Money by Automating Translations
Gain total control over the timeline and cost of your translation projects. Machine translation uses specialised engines to translate content instantly. For the fastest possible results, you can fully automate the process or follow a hybrid workflow in which one of our 5,000+ professional linguists supports your project.
Our Machine Translation uses artificial intelligence to increase the accuracy of your translations. You can customise your post-editing and review processes based on your project needs, budget, and timeline.
580+Language combinations available for translation
40+AI-driven “best fit” engines
5,000+Linguists available for post-editing

Is Machine Translation Right for You?
Machine translation works best for translating large amounts of content on a tight timeline. It’s ideal for low-liability risk content, such as customer service communications and blog articles. If you’re working with legal, medical, or scientific documents, or content that requires deeper sentiment analysis, you’ll get better results from traditional translation services.
Increase Accuracy with Powerful Technology
LanguageLine® SmartMATE Machine Translation uses more than 40 leading engines to maximise accuracy. It automatically seeks the best options for your languages and content type to ensure the best output for your message. Using our hybrid workflow along with your company's translation memory and glossaries, we can increase the accuracy and help you control costs.

LanguageLine Machine Translation Tools

Advanced Technology



Quick Turnaround Time

The New York State exams are translated by the state into the five most commonly spoken languages. We extend beyond that to the 23 spoken in Middletown schools so that students can take assessments in the languages they feel most comfortable with. "
— City School District of Middletown, New York

LanguageLine bends over backward to take care of us....They are always extremely conscientious and interested in providing service that will make us look like rock stars to our clients. You know, it just becomes a no-brainer. Every division of our company uses LanguageLine to provide all our translation needs. "
— Vice President of Customer Success, eLearning Brothers

The staff at LanguageLine has an exceptional knowledge base for translation across various media. Working with them has been ideal as their project management is handled with great care and attention to detail. I cannot thank them enough for their guidance and assistance in creating a more welcoming experience for our visitors who do not speak English. "
— Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco