On March 1, President Trump signed an Executive Order making English the official language of the United States. 
This blog will explain the basics of what the order does and how it may apply to the lives of individuals who are limited English proficient (LEP). It is designed to help our clients address general questions they may be receiving from the communities they serve. However, for more specific guidance, we recommend consulting legal counsel or your elected representative.
Key Points to Know
  • This order does not cancel any existing laws that require organizations to provide interpretation and translation for those who are LEP. Many hospitals, clinics, schools, and government programs must continue to offer these services under federal law.
  • This order does not remove a person’s right to interpretation and translation. Civil rights laws still require federally funded organizations—including hospitals, social services, and public programs—to provide language access to ensure equitable service for all individuals.
  • Government agencies now have more choice in how they provide interpretation and translation, but they do not have to stop offering them.
  • Each state has its own policies. More than 30 states had already made English their official language before this order.
Below are some common questions you may receive from LEP individuals.
1. Do I have to learn English to live in the U.S.?
No. This order does not require anyone to speak English to live, work, or get services in the U.S. However, some government agencies may now focus more on using English in their communication.
2. Does this mean private businesses will only serve English-speaking customers?
No. Private businesses can still serve customers in languages other than English.
3. Can I still get an interpreter at the hospital or doctor’s office?
Yes. Federal laws such as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) still require hospitals and clinics that get federal funding to provide interpretation and translation. Organizations like The Joint Commission will continue making sure these services are available to keep patients safe.
4. Will my child still get interpretation and translation services in school?
Yes. Federal laws like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 still require schools to provide interpretation and translation for students and parents who need it. It is important to note that parents also have a legal right to meaningful language access so they can be informed and empowered to make decisions about their child’s education. 
5. Can I still get government services in my language?
It depends on the agency. Federal agencies now have more choice in how they provide interpretation and translation. Some may continue offering the same level of support, while others may reduce services.
6. Will I still be able to get voting materials in my language?
The Voting Rights Act is still the law of the land. It requires translated voting materials to be provided in languages of need, which are determined county by county based on demographics. 
7. What happens if I need an interpreter for a court hearing or legal case?
Courts are still required to provide meaningful access to services for LEP populations. The Executive Order does not change the laws that protect interpretation and translation in courts. Federal and many state courts must still provide interpreters for people who are LEP.
8. Will official government documents still be available in other languages?
It depends on the agency. Some agencies may offer fewer translations, but critical services like healthcare, education, and legal matters are still required to provide interpretation and translation under federal law.
9. Does the order impact people who need sign language or other disability services?
No. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is still in place, meaning that Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals still have the right equal access to services, including accommodations like American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters. Likewise, the visually impaired are entitled to access to alternative formats for written materials. 
How to Get Help
Even though this order makes English the official language and gives agencies more choice in providing interpretation and translation, it does not remove existing legal protections. 
If you need more information, please consult legal counsel or reach out to your elected representative.