CRM Systems: How Translation Can Make Your Operation Multilingual

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Case Study: How the Nation's Largest Metro Police Are Embracing ASL and Video Interpreting

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LanguageLine public safety police Scott Brown Carmel

Case Study: Canada’s 'Greatest Goldfield' Turns to LanguageLine for Public Safety

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LanguageLine health equity scott brown carmel

Health Equity vs. Health Equality: What’s the Difference?

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LanguageLine adaptive translation

What Is Adaptable Translation? Only the Thing That Will Transform Your Customer Service

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Case Study: Helping ADP Expand to Non-English-Speaking Markets

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LanguageLine section 1557

Section 1557: New Rule Unveiled to Enhance Nondiscrimination in Health Care

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Omnichannel LanguageLine

How to Master Customer Service in Multiple Languages and Overcome ‘Omnichannel Challenges’

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LanguageLine goes over a billion minutes over 12 month period.

LanguageLine Surpasses a Billion Minutes of Interpretation Over 12-Month Period

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LanguageLine 911

Case Study: Toronto 911 Turns to On Demand Interpreting During Emergencies

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