LanguageLine Blog

CASE STUDY: Translation for the World’s Largest Digital Advertising Exchange

Written by Scott Brown | September 10, 2024

OpenX, the largest independent advertising exchange, is at the forefront of digital advertising, empowering over 1,200 publishers and 900 premium apps across 190 countries. Their mission is to unlock the full economic potential of digital media companies by delivering cutting-edge ad markets and technologies that optimize value for publishers and advertisers. 

However, as OpenX expanded its global footprint, it faced significant challenges in maintaining language consistency and standardizing the translation process across its diverse markets.


As OpenX grew rapidly, the need to standardize and maintain the quality of localized software and marketing materials became paramount. The company's initial focus on French and German languages expanded to include Japanese, a rapidly growing market with specialized demands. This expansion presented three core challenges:

Consistency Across Languages: As OpenX expanded its global reach, maintaining a consistent brand message across multiple languages became increasingly challenging. Each language comes with its own set of linguistic nuances, cultural references, and idiomatic expressions, making it difficult to ensure that the original meaning and tone are preserved. 

This challenge was amplified by the need to respect regional differences while still conveying a unified global message. Without careful attention to these details, there was a risk of diluting the brand’s voice or, worse, miscommunicating key messages to different audiences. Ensuring consistency across languages was critical to maintaining the integrity of OpenX’s brand as they entered new markets.

Standardizing the Translation Process: As OpenX continued to grow, the need for a streamlined and efficient translation process became apparent. The challenge lay in coordinating multiple languages and regions simultaneously, each with its own specific requirements and timelines. 

Inconsistent translation processes could lead to delays, quality issues, and a lack of cohesion in the final output. With different teams and individuals working on various projects, there was a risk of misalignment in terminology, style, and overall approach. Establishing a standardized process was crucial to ensuring that all translations met the same high standards, regardless of the language or market.

Specialized Subject Matter: The digital advertising industry is complex and highly technical, with its own specialized language and concepts that are not easily translated. This posed a significant challenge for OpenX, as they needed to communicate intricate technical details in a way that was clear and accessible to their diverse global audience. 

Finding linguists who not only understood the technical aspects of the ad exchange industry but could also translate these concepts accurately and effectively was a major hurdle. The challenge was further compounded by the need to adapt the specialized content to different languages and cultures without losing the technical precision or clarity required for the industry.


OpenX turned to LanguageLine to address the complex challenges it faced in maintaining language consistency, standardizing translation processes, and effectively handling specialized subject matter. Leveraging our deep expertise in language support, we developed a comprehensive and tailored solution designed to meet OpenX’s specific needs.

Terminology Management: One of the most critical aspects of the solution was the establishment of robust terminology management practices. OpenX operates in a highly specialized field, where precise terminology is essential to maintaining clarity and consistency across all communications. 

LanguageLine developed a centralized glossary system that captured all the key terms and phrases specific to OpenX’s industry. This glossary was not a static resource; it was regularly updated and refined to reflect new developments in the industry and OpenX’s expanding global operations. By maintaining this centralized repository, we ensured that every translation adhered to the same standards, using consistent language that accurately represented OpenX’s brand and technical requirements across all markets.

Dynamic Workflows: Given the rapid pace at which OpenX evolves and the constant expansion into new regions, flexibility in the translation process was crucial. LanguageLine implemented dynamic workflows that could easily adapt to the changing needs of OpenX. These workflows were designed to be responsive, allowing for real-time updates and adjustments as new terminology emerged or as market demands shifted. 

This flexibility ensured that OpenX’s translations were not only consistent but also current, reflecting the most up-to-date language and industry trends. Additionally, the dynamic nature of these workflows enabled swift integration of new languages and regions, allowing OpenX to expand without the risk of translation bottlenecks or delays.

Subject Matter Expertise: The specialized nature of OpenX’s content required more than just linguistic proficiency; it demanded deep subject matter expertise. To meet this need, LanguageLine worked closely with OpenX’s subject matter experts (SMEs) in various locales around the world. 

This collaboration was key to ensuring that the complex, technical language used in the ad exchange industry was translated accurately and clearly. The input from these SMEs was invaluable, providing the context and nuance needed to produce translations that were not only technically precise but also aligned with the intended messaging. LanguageLine ensured that this expert knowledge was systematically captured, centrally stored, and made accessible to all linguists working on OpenX projects. By distributing this information effectively, we created an integrated language support solution that allowed for seamless, high-quality translations across all markets.

What the Client Said

“LanguageLine Solutions was instrumental in the launch of the company website across three regions. The LanguageLine team is always quick to respond and help. They are a huge asset to OpenX, and we look forward to continuing the partnership.”

On the Horizon

OpenX and LanguageLine are set to deepen their partnership. Plans include expanding localized content, particularly specialized User Experience domains that simplify processes for OpenX bidders. This ongoing collaboration will continue to evolve, ensuring that OpenX remains at the cutting edge of global digital advertising.

Let’s Talk Solutions

Discover how LanguageLine can turn your biggest language challenges into growth opportunities with industry-leading services. Contact us today to explore how we can support your multilingual communication needs. Please call us at 1-800-878-8523 or email