LanguageLine Blog

Case Study: Midwest Health System Enhances Patient Care with Video Interpreting

Written by The LanguageLine Solutions Team | September 18, 2024

Ana had been feeling unwell for weeks, but fear of not being understood kept her from seeking help. As a native Spanish speaker living in Lawrence, Kansas, Ana often struggled to communicate in English, especially when it came to something as complex as her health. One evening, however, the pain in her chest became unbearable, and her daughter rushed her to LMH Health.

The emergency room was busy, and as Ana entered, her anxiety grew. Identifying that Ana spoke Spanish, the registration nurse brought in an iPad, pressed a button, and within seconds, a professional, Spanish-speaking video interpreter appeared on the screen. 

Suddenly, Ana’s fears began to melt away. Through the interpreter, Ana was able to explain her symptoms, ask questions about her treatment, and understand the doctor’s diagnosis. She learned that she had high blood pressure and would need medication and a follow-up visit. The process was smooth, and Ana left the hospital feeling informed, cared for, and relieved.

This story is not unique to Ana. LMH Health in Lawrence, Kansas, is using video interpreting to ensure that all patients, regardless of language or communication barriers, receive the best possible care.

A Diverse Community

The patient community at LMH Health is becoming increasingly diverse. As the demographic shifts, LMH Health must break down language barriers so that every patient—regardless of their language or communication needs—can fully understand their medical care and actively participate in healthcare decisions.

LMH Health had long utilized traditional on-site interpreters, but the availability of these services was sometimes limited, particularly in emergency situations. 

“When you’re talking about your health and medicine, the terminology can be unfamiliar and very complicated,” said Cary Allen, Care Coordinator at LMH Health. “Sometimes we have follow-up questions, and we want to make sure we are talking to patients in everyday language they can understand.”

An Innovative Approach

In response to these challenges, LMH Health sought an innovative solution to ensure all patients had access to the care they needed, when they needed it. The hospital turned to video interpreting, a service that provides on-demand, remote access to professional interpreters in over 40 languages, including American Sign Language.

Thanks to the generosity of donors through the LMH Health Foundation, the hospital was able to purchase iPads to facilitate video interpreting services. These devices are now available throughout the hospital, making it easier for patients to access interpreters at any time, including during unexpected or emergency care situations.

Video interpreting allows medical staff to connect with interpreters within seconds, whether the patient is in a clinic, emergency room, or intensive care unit. 

By using video, the hospital staff can see and be seen by the interpreter, which enhances communication through visual cues, facial expressions, and gestures. This level of engagement is particularly valuable when conveying complex medical information or ensuring the patient fully understands their treatment options.

Real-World Impact: Enhancing Patient Experiences and Outcomes

The impact of video interpreting has been significant across various departments at LMH Health. 

“The nurses and physicians utilize these services to help explain the patient’s current healthcare findings to them,” said ICU Director Amy Jarvis. “The ongoing plan of care is extremely valuable to the healthcare team, as it allows us to gather specific information from the patient that can help guide care decisions and methods of treatment.”

In the emergency department (ED), interpreter services have been vital in bridging communication gaps during urgent situations. 

ED Director Jan Wiebe recalled a recent experience where video interpreting played a crucial role.

“We had a patient who was seen in the ED, and we needed to discuss lab results,” Wiebe said. “I quickly realized I needed to use our interpreter services to communicate the results with the patient. Thanks to the interpreter, we were able to communicate results and help her schedule a follow-up appointment.”

This kind of real-time access to interpreting services not only improves patient satisfaction but also ensures that patients fully understand their health conditions and follow-up instructions. This helps reduce the risk of complications or misunderstandings, contributing to better health outcomes.

The ability to access video interpreters within seconds has also improved the efficiency of the LMH Health staff, allowing them to spend more time focusing on patient care rather than waiting for an interpreter to arrive. 

“We hope that having interpreters available makes our patients feel more comfortable and confident that they are receiving the best care and are going home with the best plan,” Allen said. 

LanguageLine Can Help

LanguageLine Video Interpreting offers a powerful solution for organizations seeking to overcome language barriers and build trust with their limited English proficient (LEP) and Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) communities.

  • Enhanced Communication: Visual cues and facial expressions provided by video interpreting can significantly improve understanding and reduce misunderstandings, fostering stronger relationships.
  • Rapid Access: Connect to a qualified interpreter in seconds, ensuring timely and accurate communication in over 40 languages, including ASL and British Sign Language (BSL).
  • Reliability: LanguageLine's platform boasts a 99.99% uptime, ensuring consistent access to interpreting services.
  • Quality Assurance: Our expert interpreters undergo rigorous training and quality checks to deliver the highest level of linguistic accuracy and cultural sensitivity.

Learn how LanguageLine can help your organization break down language barriers and foster stronger relationships. We invite you to contact us to schedule a demo or request more information.