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Case Study: How Business Translation Lead to Global Growth for a Major Consulting Firm

Written by Scott Brown | July 10, 2024

Businesses that want to go global are faced with a significant challenge: engaging with audiences across various languages and regions to foster growth and brand awareness. 

Sovos Accordance VAT, an international Value Added Tax consultancy and compliance company established in 2006, faced this challenge as they sought to improve their global user engagement, promote brand awareness, and attract new customers across multiple markets. 

Based in the United Kingdom, they needed a streamlined, centralized, and cost-efficient process to ensure consistency across their website, blogs, marketing materials, and social media content in multiple languages.

Understanding VAT

In the European Union, the Value Added Tax (or VAT) is a general, broadly based consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services. It applies to all goods and services that are bought and sold for use or consumption in the European Union. Goods sold for export or services sold to customers abroad are normally not subject to VAT. Conversely, imports are taxed to keep the system fair for EU producers, allowing them to compete on equal terms with suppliers situated outside the Union. This taxation system ensures a level playing field and is a critical aspect of trade and commerce within the EU.

Goals for the Project

For a business like Sovos Accordance, which operates internationally, effective communication across different languages is vital. Accurate translation and localization are necessary to ensure that complex topics, such as VAT regulations, are clearly understood by clients in various countries. This helps in building trust, ensuring compliance, and facilitating smooth business operations across borders. By localizing their content, Sovos Accordance can provide their clients with information that is not only translated accurately but also culturally relevant, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Working closely with Sovos Accordance, we identified three primary goals for the project:

  • Improve global user engagement
  • Create an easy and centralized solution for translation and localization
  • Ensure consistency across languages

The Solution: LanguageLine’s Centralized Approach

LanguageLine provided Sovos Accordance with a comprehensive digital localization solution that included:

CMS Translation Connector

Sovos Accordance’s WordPress CMS connects to LanguageLine, allowing their team to send content for translation quickly, easily, and via a secure system. All translation projects can be requested, monitored, and retrieved from Sovos Accordance’s WordPress dashboard, allowing for improved visibility of all localized content. Their projects never leave the secure system, as in-house staff and linguists log onto the same secure, cloud-based system to complete the translation.

Language Assets for Consistency

To maintain consistency across multiple languages, LanguageLine utilized linguistic assets such as translation memories, glossaries, and style guides. These tools ensured that specific terms, phrases, and brand names unique to Sovos Accordance were consistently used throughout all translations. Translation memories allowed for cost and time savings by reusing previously translated phrases in future projects.

Automated Workflows

The integration of automated workflows significantly streamlined Sovos Accordance's translation process. By automating repetitive tasks, such as content submission and retrieval, the process became more efficient and less prone to human error. Automated workflows ensured that each step of the translation process, from initial request to final delivery, was executed seamlessly and within a shorter time frame. This automation allowed Sovos Accordance to manage high volumes of translation projects simultaneously, thereby improving overall productivity and reducing turnaround times.

Secure Dashboard

The secure dashboard provided by LanguageLine offered Sovos Accordance enhanced visibility and control over their translation projects. This centralized platform allowed them to track the status of all ongoing projects in real-time, view completed translations, and manage their linguistic assets effectively. The secure dashboard also facilitated seamless communication between Sovos Accordance and the LanguageLine team, ensuring that any issues or questions could be addressed promptly. By keeping all project-related data within a secure, cloud-based environment, Sovos Accordance could ensure the confidentiality and integrity of their sensitive information.

Dedicated Team

LanguageLine assembled a dedicated panel of linguists from their global network, selected based on their qualifications, specialisms, and experience with similar projects. This dedicated team ensured that Sovos Accordance’s projects were prioritized and handled with expertise, maintaining the highest quality standards.

What Did We Translate?

  • Website Content
  • Blogs
  • Marketing Materials
  • Social Media Content

The Result

LanguageLine’s centralized approach provided Sovos Accordance with greater control, flexibility, and visibility over their translation projects. This solution maintained consistency across languages, increased cost-efficiency, and allowed Sovos Accordance to communicate and engage with their global audience quickly and effectively. The result was increased website traffic, improved turnaround times, and successful expansion into new markets.

“The really good thing about LanguageLine Solutions is the customer service, which shines through,” said Emma Noall, Marketing Campaign Manager at Accordance VAT. “The team at LanguageLine always has someone available to speak to when we have questions and turnaround time is super-efficient.”

Let’s Talk Solutions

Ready to enhance your global reach? Get in touch with LanguageLine and explore how our Global Content Solutions can support your international growth.

Discover the many ways LanguageLine can help turn your biggest language challenges into growth opportunities with industry-leading services. Contact us today to learn more.