Onsite Interpreter

When to Work With an Onsite Interpreter

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Three Technologies That Are Improving Interpreter-Connect Times

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Onsite Video and Remote Interpreting

Webinar: How to Select the Right Onsite & Video Remote Interpreting

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LanguageLine one in five

Over 20 Percent of U.S. Residents Speak a Language Other Than English

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What Code of Conduct Do Language Interpreters and Translators Follow?

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Video Remote Interpreting

Five Common Concerns Hospitals Have About Video Remote Interpreting

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Language access helps immigrants understand.

Case Study: Providing Language Access to a Swelling Immigrant Population

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Phone, Video, or Onsite Interpreting

Should You Use Phone, Onsite, and/or Video Remote Interpreting?

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Simple english improves clarity in translation.

America’s Newest Language Is Plain English

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Onsite interpreters offer help in healthcare settings.

Onsite Interpreters Handle Difficult Situations

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