Connecting with an Interpreter

Why Seconds Count When Connecting with a Language Interpreter

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Language access can partner with telehealth visits.

Medicare Telehealth Coverage for Beneficiaries

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CASE STUDY: Non-Profit Turns to Video Remote Interpreting to Expand Services

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Banks immigrants

U.S. Banks Can Boost Revenue by Helping Immigrants

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Deaf Hard of Hearing sign language LanguageLine

WEBINAR: Healthcare Providers: Understanding Responsibilities to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

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languageline medical documents translation scott Brown carmel

Six Medical Documents that Must Be Translated According to the Civil Rights Act

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Hospital Uses Phone Interpreting

CASE STUDY: Southern Hospital Uses Phone Interpreting to Assist Foreign Language Speakers

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Atlantic City Police Overcome Language Barriers

CASE STUDY: Atlantic City Police Overcome Cultural Barriers with Residents

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languageline immigration

Nearly 90 Percent of U.S. Population Growth Will Come From Immigrants

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America in 2040

What Will America Look Like in 2040?

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